Every so often you come across a genuinely sublime piece of marketing. It does everything it's set out to do, and it does it effectively, precisely, and in a way that the consumer see's more than just an advert. Very rarely though do you come across a piece of work which is simply not an advert, not a marketing piece, not a brand engagement exercise, but through it's execution, and sheer brilliance it works so effectively, so subliminally, so intelligently.
Michael Jackson was a pioneer in his industry, an idol, a brand with immense value and a brand with love. Michael Jackson was music, he made generation after generation dance, move with him, take his journey from child to an adult, he was more than just a musician, he was revolutionary and a leader. So it's only right for him to be given tributes, personal tributes, private tributes, public tributes and sharing tributes. The latest of these tributes was at the MTV EMA's. A tribute I feel even MJ himself would have loved and enjoyed thoroughly. A tribute to everything he was, everything he gave, everything he believed in, everything he wanted.
Random individuals in the street, breaking out into their favorite MJ tracks, singing along and smiling, enjoying the music and sharing it with friends. Singing without care, singing proud, regardless of their ability or technique. Karaoke like, singing with the assistance of earphones so you can flow with the tune. A very appropriate tribute I feel. Real people, with real lives, loving the music and enjoying it freely.
Just one thing I'd like to bring your attention to, the earphones. Participant after participant, singing, smiling, dancing, all different, and all varied, apart from one thing. All accessorized with earphones, white earphones, leading to a discreet Apple Shuffle. Was it a coincidence? Was it merely random? Was it simply an accessory?
Undoubtedly a powerful and unique tribute to the King of Pop, but I just couldn't help but think that that piece could have as easily been an Apple advert. All it needed was a fade to black with the Apple logo. A highly effective Apple advert too. Although, having done that would have made it exactly that, an advert. However, now it is a tribute, a tribute to someone loving and revolutionary in music, someone valued and followed. And the earphones, well the earphones are merely just an accessory, an association, but maybe the best kind of association they could ask for.
An association with love, a revolutionary, people and music.
..'does exactly what it says on the tin'...
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